The CLA has a national advertising program targeting the commercial industry. Provincial Associations and Limousin breeders are welcome to use the advertising merchandise or portions thereof in conjunction with their program. If you wish to receive any of the merchandise listed below, please contact our office. Not all print advertising is guaranteed to be available.
Testimonials from breeders across Canada show that Limousin are getting the job done in their herds.
Crossbreeding is the beef industry's only free lunch! Maximize your return on investment by taking advantage of hybrid vigor with a Limousin bull.
With the rising cost of production, it has never been more advantageous for operators to capitalize on Limousin genetics.
Maximize your return on investment. Make sure you're feeding Limousin.
"We will pay up to six cents more per pound for Limousin cross calves over Charolais. Our records prove the yield superiority of the Limousin cross animals."
Limousin Cattle excel in feed efficiency and have proven to consume less than other animals of the same size, and yet perform to equal or superior levels, making them sought after by every segment of the beef value chain.
"Year after year, we buy Limousin bulls because they give us great calves that we get a premium for. Raising superior calves is why we farm."
The percentage of change in gain, yield, rib eye and marbling is much greater when influenced by genetics rather than yield. Use Limousin!
"Limousin is the best fit for a leaner product. It can really work well with those British influence cattle."
When you want to make money feeding cattle, there's Limousin. Muscle. Growth. Efficiency.
Limousin genetics are a natural way of achieving greater yield without sacrificing marbling.
Your success will lie in what you do differently! Choose Limousin, the No. 1 breed for feed efficiency.
Make Limousin your terminal sire of choice for calving ease, new calf vigor, birth-to-weaning gain, lean meat yield and efficiency.
"Call them what you want, Limousin cross females raise great calves."
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